Saturday, November 22, 2008


Le doy gracias a Dios por la maravillosa madre que eligio para mi! Soy bendecida de mil maneras pero mi madrecita es la mayor alegria y la mayor bendicion en mi vida por que gracias a ella estoy donde estoy y soy lo que soy!
Mi mama es una mujer extraordinaria y ha sido un ejemplo de superacion y de fortaleza para mi. Me ha ensenado a ser mujer a ser mama, a cocinar jiji a ser hermana a ser buena esposa a ser paciente y gracias a ella hoy dia soy lo que soy!
Mami ha sacado adelante a sus 4 hijos sola, sin un hombre que la apoye ni economicamente ni moral ni espiritualmente.
Mami ha tenido el apoyo de su mami ( tita) y de sus hermanas en momentos dificiles y gracias a ellas tambien por tanta ayuda.
Mami ha sido bendecida de mil maneras en estos 55 anitos!
Sus 4 hijos somos buenas personas ( modestia aparte) y esto gracias a ella!!
Mami ha sido una exelente hermana y una extraordinaria hija siempre apoyando a sus hermanos en momentos duros y luchando por demostrarles su amor y apoyo,Como tia me atrevo a decir que una de las tias favoritas de la familia jijiji siempre incondicional con sus sobrinos sin ningun tipo de diferencia con ninguno de ellos!
Mami tuvo una ninez muy dificil pero no fue un problema para que ella nos diera un exelente ejemplo de superacion y de lucha! Mami ha posdido superar muchas cosas dificiles en la vida que yo misma me cuestiono si yo tendria la fuerza para superar lo que ella ha podido!
Dios le ha dado muchas virtudes y talentos pero el mayor de todos ha sido el talento de amar y de ser mama.
yo hablo por todos tus hijos hoy cuando te digo que estamos muy orgullosos de ti y agradecidos por tantisimos sacrificios que nisiquiera se pueden escribir aqui porque no alcanzarian las palabras, tu has sacrificado desde tu juventud hasta tu propia persona, tu propia felicidad como mujer con tal de que tus hijos no les faltara nada!
Y como exelente madre que eres siempre te preocupaste por nuestro bienestar fisico y emocional y has llorado muchas lagrimas de " cortar cebolla" ( esos nos decias para que no nos preocuparamos) para protejernos de muchos dolores que tu solita tragaste por nosotros!
Nos has defendido de mil peligros y de millones de cosas desde un nino que nos golpeo con una bola hasta de profesores injustos! siempre has puesto tu cara por nosotros y todavia lo haces!! Sigues sufriendo cuando nosotros sufrimos- te alegras cuando nosotros estamos alegres y se que estas muy orgullosa de nosotros porque siempre nos lo haces saber.
Y ahora como abuelita has demostrado que ese increible amor que uno no creia posible de que existiera algo mayor...ha crecido y amas a tus nietos tanto como a tus hijos! y ellos lo saben.
Mami... El amor que sentimos tus hijos por ti no se puede explicar y no es de este mundo: Es un amor eterno que va mas alla de la distancia y del tiempo y hasta de la muerte porque este amor es por la eternidad!!! gracias por dedicar tu vida entera a ser mama y a formarnos y apoyarnos en nuestras buenas decisiones y gracias por estar siempre ahi para levantarnos cuando hemos fallado y cuando hemos tomado malas decisiones. SE ( y hablo por mis hermanos tambien) que siempre contamos contigo y quiero decirte mamita en tu cumpleanos que tu tambien cuentas con nosotros SIEMPRE!!!
Tus Hijos

Abby's Moods

From left to right: Mad-Happy


Happy Sad
Scared Surprised


Here are some pics of Chris with his Karate Clothes!!
(TITA:Just because you asked me
I'm so thankful for this karate classes because he is more focus and definitely help him with discipline.Plus he can count in Korean to!!So by now he can count until 10 in Spanish, Korean and English ( til' 100 in English) I'm proud of him!

happy hallowen!

This year we really really enjoyed Halloween... because the kids are big enough to understand whats going on. And big enough to choose their costumes ( Abby not so much yet ).

Abby was a pumpkin and Chris was Optimus Prime from the transformers

Christian was a vampire and I was Little red riding hood ( not so little lol) I know pretty random but.. Who cares if you are having so much fun with Friends and family!

Our Friends Will and Marcela and their kids joined us for the day and we had a wonderful night.

Abby and Chris were so happy that they really really mean it when they said : "happy Halloween" to the people.

I think this is my favorite Holiday ( maybe because we don't celebrate it in Costa Rica so its new and different for us as adults..)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Birthday Party

Abby was afraid to hurt Elmo!! LOL

Cohen hit it hard!!!

Potato Sack Races

Abby blowing the candle!
Elmo's nose!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


We celebrated our kids birthday party last saturday, it was so much fun!!!
The team was Abby Cadabby and Elmo.
I had a very busy week preparing everything for the party, I'm not the best at crafts because i'm not very creative but I decided that for this year birthday party I've got involved in the I made one of the pinatas ( Abby's) and the party favor boxes and also the the games surprises, we also baked the cupcakes anda decorated ( Cristian's aunt helped me)I enjoyed it so much !! ( more than I expected, to be honest!!) and finally everything was a success at the party!
I want to thank all of our friends and familly for sharing this day with us, and for those who could't be there Thanks to for the support!!!
We had yummi food! and games for parents and little ones! My kids where soooooooo happy!
I allways think about my familly in Costa Rica in this special dates, and i miss them awefully but I know that some day we'll be togheter again and that their love is allways with us besides the distance.

party favor boxes!

games surprises!

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Abby's new "Stickers"...

This morning while i took a shower, my dear little princess found something really "cool" in the bathroom cabinets, and when I saw her and ask her: Abby what did you find??? Whit a huge smile she happily aswered: "TICKERSS" ( stickers) I could not stop laughing and I run to my room to get my camera and here you can see her new cool stickers , she tough htey were so cool she even started to decorate my living room with them!!!

Esta manana mientras tomaba un bano, my querida princesita encontro algo muy "interesante" en los gabinetes del bano, cuando la vi y le pregunte: Abby que te encontraste?? Con una enorme sonrisa, muy contenta me contesto: "TICKERSS"( stickers, Calcomanias) NO podia parar de reirme y corri al cuarto a traer mi camara y aqui pueden ver sus nuevas calcomanias, ella penso que eran tan chivas que inclusive empezo a decorar mi sala con ellas!!!!

Saturday, August 23, 2008


To my mommy..I just want to say Happy Mother's Day here are some pics of happy and fun times we spend together the last couple of years!!! I miss you and I love you so freaking very much!!!! I hope the next year we spend this day together.

And to my tita and my aunts: LOVE ALL ! Happy day!

Mamita.. Solo queria decir Feliz Dia De las Madres, aqui hay unas fotillos de dias felices y divertidos que pasamos juntas los ultimos anos!!! Te extrano mucho y te amo un pich... demasiadisisismo. Espero que el proximo ano lo pasemos junticas.

A tita y a mis tias las adoro!!! Feliz dia de las madres!

mi tita bella!:
mi tuli:

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Real Salt Lake vs Saprisa!!!!

Last night we went to see the Real Salt Lake play against Costa Rica's team Deportivo Saprisa, and guess who won..... OUR TEAM: Saprisa!!! OE OE OE OEEEE Ticoos Ticoooos!!!!! We spend a wonderful time at the stadium, we only brought little Chris because we realized that Abby is to young to actually enjoy this kind of activity! So Randall babysat for us. There were only around 20 Costaricans in the whole stadium and the rest: Americans, but boy.... we were loud!!!!! LOL every time Costa Rica scored that stadium bounced and shook from our songs and jumping... We scored two goals and the Americans around us looked at us like if we were crazy hahaha and they are right when it is about soccer we are passionate and crazy!!! And when the Real Salt Lake scored the last goal of the game (final scored: CR:2 RSL:1) we were clapping too, because they play it good to! So in general was a great game. We got the chance to met more Costaricans ( around 6 or 7), and I realized how we love our people, when they saw us with the Costarican flag painted in our faces they all approached and ask us what town we were from and how long we been living here, they were sooo happy to see us like were to..because there are not many Costarican here in Utah, so we exchange telephone numbers and addresses. After the game we enjoyed the beautiful fire works.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Fun Saturday!!!

We went to Scera Pools with the kids.. this is kind of big for them: the poor things have being at home the last couple of months avoiding pools and sun (preparing for the surgery) so today was one of the most fun days for them.... They love the water... !

A little snack!
Abby love the little fountains, and barbie mermaid to!


Friday, July 11, 2008

Chris & Abby got surgery!!!!!

Yesterday Chris and Abby got surgery. Abby had tubes inserted in her ears and Chris had the same plus adenoidectomy ( adenoids removed).
At first ( I'm not goin to lie) we where really scared, cause they never got surgery before, and as a parent you don't want your kids to suffer any kind of pain.
It was a little scary they both would had the same surgery the same day cause i didn't know how bad they would feel after it.

The night before the surgery we pray a lot and ask for patience and serenity while they had the procedure.
We had to be at the clinic at 6:30 in the morning,Chris and I woke up and got ready and after we were ready we woke up the kids and seat them in the car( still half asleep and in their pajamas).
We got there and they have a waiting room with toys and TV so the kids where busy and playing while we sign up some documents.
After 10 minutes the nurse came and call us, she took us to a different room and then they ask us to change their pajamas and get them in the shirts that the clinic provided.
Then the Dr. Herras came and talk to us and explain the procedure (again) and she answer all our questions ( we didn't had much to ask ).
After 5 minutes in that room another nurse came and ask Abby to go with her, we where surprise that she hop in the nurse arms with no fuss. I was scared but i couldn't show that because we still had Chris with us...
After 10 minutes a different nurse came and ask Chris to go with her and blow a pink balloon ( the anesthesia mask). They had a wagon and Chris hop in the wagon and play driving it while they took him away... Chris and I where so anxious to know what was going on inside but we just had to way...
The nurses asked us to go to a different room ( recovering room) and wait there. they gave us the biggest room they have because we had two patients.
We didn't wait much there maybe 10 minutes maybe less but seemed long for me, Then we saw Abby in the arms of a nurse and they came to us, Abby was soooo calm and content! As soon s she saw us she jump in to my arms. Immediately Daddy wanted to hold his baby girl and took her from my arms. She didn't cry but was really really quite.
Then the nurse brought apple juice and Popsicles that Abby ate like she never had one before lol.
After 20 minutes maybe... A nurse brought Little Chris and he was still drudged and half asleep he tried to hold his head up but he couldn't..and as soon as he saw us he stared to cry and scream: i have a boo boo help me mommy help me daddy! that broke my heart. He tried to take his IV out and pull it several times but we ask the nurse if he still need that and she said it was OK to take it out then so she took it out. He cry sooo hard and scream for about 40 minutes we felt so bad cause we couldn't do anything to make him feel better, It was horrible cause we tough he was in pain, but the nurse later explain to us that was just the sickness and sensation of disorientation when they are waking up from the anesthesia.

After those 40 minutes he felt better and better and ask for water.Then the Dr. came and gave us the instructions for home and we where out of there ,,, I mean they are awesome people but i really wanted to be at home taking care of them.

On our way home we asked them if they were hungry and they asked for pancakes and juice!! That was a good sign they were hungry!!!!

And then we stop at Denny's and had breakfast and went home and they being feeling better and better and actually last night they where running and jumping normally!

Now.. we just have to keep an eye on them until the follow up appointment with the doctor.

Stadium Of Fire!!! 4th OF JULY

Wow!!!! never in my life we had seen a show like this before!
This 4Th of July we spend the most exited 4t of July in our life so far in the Stadium of Fire in Provo.
It was absolutely awesome! The kids where soooo excited..
Abby's favorite: was Hanna Montana she was Miley Cyrus not Hanna for this concert but Abby didn't notice the difference she was dancing and singing the whole time!
My father in law came with us and his favorite part was the army jets flying on top of us,
Little Chris' mouth dropped to the floor when he saw the skydivers in the sky and landing right there in front of us.
Chris favorite part was The blue man, they made us laugh and dance and scream like crazy!!! My favorite was the dancers i can't believe the way so many dancers coordinate such a perfect show that last for 7 minutes!!! It's hard to choose a favorite part of the show because the whole concert was unbelievable.
That's definitely one night that we'll never forget.

Wow! Nunca en nuestra vida habiamos visto un show como este!
Este 4 de Julio lo pasamos en el estadio del fugo en provo.
Fue espectacular los ninos estaban tan tan contentos y no odian ni creer lo que veian.
La parte favorita de Abby fue el concierto de Hanna Montana, bueno esta vez era Miley Cyrus pero abby no noto la diferencia ella canto y bailo tooodo el tiempo!
Mi suegro nos acompano y su parte favorita fue los jets del army volando encima de nosotros.
Crisito se le callo l boca al piso cuando vio a los paracaidistas saltando de la avioneta y aterrizar en frente de nosotros!
La parte favorita de Chris fue los blue man que nos hicieron bailar y cantar y gritar como locos! Demasiado chiva!!!!
Mi pate favorita fueron las bailarias, no puedo creer que tantas bailarinas (eran un monton mas de 150) bailen tan cordinadas en este espectacular montaje que duro 7 minutos!!! Es dificil escojer tu parte favorita porque todo el cncierto fue maravilloso.
Esta fue una noche que nunca olvidaremos!


We love our new house!!!!

Yeah! We finally move to a house. This is the 5Th time we move in 6 years and pray and hope this is the last one.The moving process is exhausting physically and mentally ... we packed and move in two days. And the cleaning and unpacking was worse: took us two weeks to finally unpack and put everything in order. BUT FINALLY we are settled now.
The kids LOVE this house they have their play room and the yard is really safe! We just got Internet cable and phone this week so that's why i haven't post lately!
I'll post some pics later on.

SIII! por fin nos mudamos a una casa!. Esta es la quint vez que nosmudamosen un periodo de 6 anos y le pido a Dios que esta sea la ultima ! El proceso de mudanza es agotador fisica y emocionalmente...empacamos todo y nos mudamos en dos dias. Y la limpiaza y ladesempacada fue peor: nos tomo dos semanas para finalmente desempacar todo y poner todo en orden. PERO POR FIN ya nos acomodamos.

Los ninos aman esta casa claro porque tienen su propio cuarto de juegos y el patio es muy seguro!
Hasta esta semanama me instalaron los servicios de internet , cable y telefono... por eso no habia escrito nada ultimamente.
Luego pongo fotitos!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Sorry!! I haven't post in a long time!

Sorry.. Chris and Abby have being sick for a couple of months ( ear infection after ear infection- both- Chris might need tubes in his ears but nothing sure yet!) so I just haven't post lately.

Here are some pictures we took from Abby and Chris that we took around two months ago! I know..two months ago!! We really love the profesional pics for our kids and my last visiting teaching companion is an AWESOME photographer: Emily Thorton; she is the best! I definetly recommend her, believe it or not Abby was crying the whole time and Em capture great smiles which i don't remember lol from the photo sesion! Please check her website in my links!

Tonight we had an awesome surprise!!! Mike ( el che gringo lol) came over ,and it was so good to see him again. Specially after a long day of estrangers walking by my apartment.( Our landlord had an "open house" today cause he need to rent our apartment.. any way, it was a long day and seeing mike's smile and energy make everything go away!) Hopefully we'll see Emma and Jack Jack soon to!!

I miss them so much Emma and Mike have being such a great support and their love remind me the love from my family in CR, so unconditional and pure!

THANKS MIKE!! You made our day with your visit! Heavenly Father surely knows when to send a friend to make you feel better!

Chris y Abby han estado enfermitos durante varios meses ya!( infeccion de oido tras infeccion de oido- los dos- Chris es lo mas probable que tengan que operarle sus ioditos e insetarle tubitos pero no hay nada seguro seguro todavia!) por eso no he vuelto a escribir nada!
Aqui estan unas fotos que les sacamos a Abby y Chris hace como dos meses! Ya se..hace DOS meses!! Nos encanta llevarlos a foto estudios donde les toman lindas fotos , esta vez mi ultima companera de maestras visitantes es una fotografa profesional: Emily Thorton ella es la mejor! Logro capturar hermosas sonrisas de Abby quien no colaboro mucho porque paso llorando toda la sesion de fotos,,,Increible!! cuando vi las fotos no recorde en que momento ella estuvo tan feliz! Jajaja Bueno.. en fin hechenle un vistazo al website de ella en mi lista de links!

Esta noche recivimos una gran sorpresa!!! Mike ( el che gringo jajaja) vino a visitarnos, y fue tan grato verlo otra vez. Especialmente despues de un largo y estresado dia de gente extraña caminado por mi casa( nuestro casero tuvo una "open house" porque el necesita rentar nuestro lugar antes de que nos mudemos... bueno en fin fue un largo dia y ver la sonrisa de mike y esa energia que proyecta hizo que todo eso se nos olvidara!) Espero ver a Emma y a Jack Jack prontito tambien.

Los extrañamos muchisimo; Emma y Mike han sido un gran apoyo y su amor me recuerda mucho al amor de mi familia en CR ; tan incondicional y puro!
GRACIAS MIKE!!!! Hiciste que nuestro dia mejorara con tu visita! Nuestro Padre celestial si que sabe cuando enviar un buen amigo para alegrarte el dia!

Georgia's Tunes