Sunday, March 2, 2008

I have big kids in my car!!!!!

Wow,, I never tough that changing lil' Chris' car seat would be the big deal in my family...Abby went through the same change ( from baby car seat to a toddler car seat) at the same time...This made me realize that I have no babies any more!!!!!! My kids are big now. Lil' Chris choose his own booster seat, he is sooooo exited about it: " I'm a big boy now.." he said. He is really proud that he uses the "big" seat belt. And Abby she is more than happy, She is always singing and "dancing" in her new car seat. This transition is awesome-this day Chris and I felt so proud of our "babies".

Es increible,, nunca pense que cambiarle la sillita del carro a Chrisito seria la gran cosa en mi familia, pero Abby cambio de sillita al mismo tiempo ( de bebe a silla de nina)... Esto me hizo darme cuenta que ya no tengo bebes!!!!!! Mis gorditos ya estan grandesitos. Chrisito fue a la tienda y escogio su propia sillita, esta taaaan contento al respecto: "Ya soy un nino grande ..." dice. El esta super orgulloso que ahora usa el cinturon de "grandes". Y Abby, bueno ella no se cambia por nadie, esta siempre cantando y "bailando" en su sillita nueva. Este gran cambio is genial- este dia chris y yo nos sentimos super super orgullosos de nuestros "bebes".

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